Sometimes I blog. Sometimes I don't. Deal with it.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

There's Light At The End Of The Tunnel

As of this writing, I am two weeks away from the end of Final Exams, the official start of Southeast's winter break and spending a month at home in St. Louis. To say that my first semester of college has flown by would be an understatement. It hasn't been easy, and quite honestly I never want to write another essay as long as I live (I am going to be a journalist, how ironic).

However, I am proud of myself for not giving up and making it through these last four months. I've had my ups and downs, and I've learned from my mistakes. I proved to myself that I am capable of surviving on my own (you know, aside from being broke. But really, what college student isn't broke?), and that I made the right decision coming here. Now it's almost time for a well-deserved break. There's light at the end of the tunnel, and a loving family waiting for me back home.

In addition to learning more and more, I've also had the pleasure of meeting some of the most extraordinary people I've ever known, including my best friend, Taylor.

From September. Miss you brother.
I'm not sure he'll appreciate me saying every thing possible about our friendship (there's a lot of ground to cover and some things are just better left off between two people) but I will say that I have never felt so comfortable just hanging out with someone before Taylor. We're two totally different people who come from two different worlds (I don't think Nebraska is that bad of a place honestly, and you're not convincing me otherwise), but in the short time we've known each other, we've become as close as brothers. 

Unfortunately, due to some circumstances out of his control, I haven't been able to see him for awhile. Taylor, if you're reading this... I miss you so much bro, and I hope to see you soon.

In academic-related news, I've probably written 6 essays this week. Granted 3 of those 6 are just revisions of previous essays I've written this semester that will be included in a Portfolio due next week, but still... that's a lot. But that's just the way college works. You deal with things as they come. 

In a bonus update that probably no one cares about (but it's my blog and I can post whatever I want so I'm going to tell you anyway), I recently got 77 likes (or ups, whatever) on a post I made on Yik Yak. That alone makes me feel successful. Too bad I got it from Twitter. Haha.

Before I wrap it up here, I'd like to give another shout-out to my roommate, Tatsuya, for being an awesome roommate this semester. Have fun in New York over break dude. 

And, what the hell, let's wrap things up with some Walking Dead memes. Because this is my blog, and I do what I want.









walking dead memes 29 The Walking Dead Season 5 memes are, as always, spot on (44 Photos)


walking dead memes 28 The Walking Dead Season 5 memes are, as always, spot on (44 Photos)


And finally...

walking dead memes 30 The Walking Dead Season 5 memes are, as always, spot on (44 Photos)

Take care.

- Jakub

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