Sometimes I blog. Sometimes I don't. Deal with it.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

I'm Back

Hi there, everyone. My name is Jacob Michael Politte, and hopefully this blog is a way of getting my name out there and touching someone's life in someway.

This isn't my first Blogger account. I've had several in the past, some of which are still accessible. My most popular, a book review and news blog, simply titled Books, has been seen by over 71,000 people worldwide since I created it in 2008. That number is simply unfathomable to me (mainly because I just looked it up prior to typing this sentence). I was a big bookworm back in the day, and while I'm not now, I do read a fair amount, so you could expect a book review or two. Haha.

However, I stopped posting on it two years ago this month. I had reached a point in my life where I was simply too busy to continue with it (and quite honestly, I had begun posting less and less each month). It was time to move on.

Things have changed since then. I'm actually more busy than ever, as I am now a first-year college student at Southeast Missouri State University (SEMO), but I know how to better balance my time now. So I'm going to give getting back into the Blogging game my best shot. I'm not going to be posting everyday, not every week, hell, probably not even every month. It's like a fun little side project I guess.

My life changed in a big way last month when I left home to attend college. I have learned to become more independent, and how to effectively solve problems I may face. I have also met some of the best people I have ever had the privilege of meeting. It going to be an interesting next four (or more) years, and I hope you'll be there for the ride.

As for what "Jakub" means? That's my Bosnian nickname. The area that I come from in St. Louis has a large Bosnian population, and I attended school with many people who were of Bosnian descent. Attending school in the Bayless School District for 12 years was a great experience, and I've made great friends there, especially during my last year there. You might hear about some of them later on. Haha.

And I might as well mention this, although it will annoy those who already know me because I rarely go a conversation without bringing it up... I ended up winning Prom King my Senior Year of High School.

No, this is not photo-shopped.
I ended my High School career on the best possible note. What started off as a crappy experience my Freshman Year taught me a lot about my own self-worth. But that, and the story about how I actually won Prom King, are ones for another time.

Well, that's all for now. I was going to write more, but I forgot what it was. #StressedOutCollegeKidProbs Maybe it will come to me at 3 AM. Enjoy the blog! :)


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