Sometimes I blog. Sometimes I don't. Deal with it.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

I Don't Miss High School, And That's A Good Thing

It's become apparent to me lately how much I don't miss my High School years. And it's not like they even sucked.

Well, Freshman Year was pretty bad, and sophomore year wasn't much better. OK, Junior Year wasn't too fun either. Senior Year was a great year for me, but even that year didn't come without stress.

A picture of my Advisory class from my last day of High
School. Shout out to Ms. Michalak for keeping me on track.
Honestly, I'll own up to this: all of the bad things and situations that I had to deal with during those years were primary caused by me. I was my own obstacle, and once I figured that out and dealt with it, things usually went fine. Despite the fact that I may have not been the happiest person during that time (probably due to my insanely high expectations of pretty much everything and other factors), my High School years were better than most.

But they're over now, and I don't even live in St. Louis anymore. I feel like I should miss High School. I don't. I graduated, and while I may go visit from time to time, I haven't looked back for the most part.

My High School was apart of a district whose four schools I attended for 12 straight years. I forged a lot of close relationships with my peers, and had some of the most helpful, intelligent instructors possible. Yet, since almost the moment I stepped foot on SEMO's campus, I haven't missed a thing about High School.

Given almost a full semester away at college to adjust, I think this is why:


The thing I love most about college is the amount of freedom and independence I have. For the most part, outside of bills (thanks mom) I'm on my own out here. I like that. There's a certain amount of pressure of knowing that if I screw up, it's on me. I thrive under pressure.

Cliques Don't Exist

OK, so you do have your fraternities and sororities (I mean unless you go to Harvard. Or Community College. Both of which I'm never going to.), but after dealing with friends being involved with both, I don't consider them nearly as bad as some cliques you see in High School. Hell, I might even join a frat sooner rather than later. We'll see.

[Brief Interlude To Give Advice]

Bullying was a big problem for me, especially during my early years of High School. Then I grew some balls and started standing up for myself. That's pretty blunt, but it's true and people tend to have more respect for you when you do that.

I'm sure many people go through the same thing I did. All I can say is that you can't let people get to you. If someone is bullying you, physically or verbally, it's probably because they're own life isn't the best and they want to take it out on someone. You are an amazing individual, and don't listen to a damn word they say, because the only one who knows you is you. Not them. Never be afraid to stand up for yourself. If it gets worse or even if you don't feel like you can stand up for yourself, go and talk to someone. Do not ever allow yourself to be put down, because you deserve better than that.

[End Of Interlude]

You can dress like a bum and look like total crap and no one judges you

Because everyone just kind of understands. Seriously. I wore a shirt completely backwards one day; I even gave a presentation in it. No one said anything. We all know the struggle.

SEMO has a Starbucks, Subway, Papa Johns, and Chick-Fil-A on campus

Does your high school have these things? I didn't think so.

Costs a lot of money. Worth every penny.
There are many more reasons, but I might as well publish a book. You know, when I have time?

I will say I do miss my old High School's field. A renovation on it was completed just before I graduated, but since I live so close to it, I get to enjoy it whenever I am there. And boy, is it beautiful.

So that's gonna wrap things up for now. See y'all next time I blog. And since it's Final Exam season, may the odds be ever in your favor.

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