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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

There Should Never Be Another Season of The X-Files Without Gillian Anderson

Season 11 of The X-Files debuts tonight on FOX, and it should be without question the final season premiere of the show’s long, storied history.

This is in spite of the fact that the time has never been more right for the show to return. In the midst of the current political climate, a show about distrust in the government that is supposed to be looking out for us has become all too real (minus the aliens... maybe), and has made the show's hit revival (disappointing Season 10 non-withstanding) all the more relevant. But my plea to end it comes due to a simple reason: a cast departure that would radically alter the landscape of the show in what I feel would be a negative way.

While she said as much months ago, Gillian Anderson has confirmed and/or reaffirmed that she will not return to the role of Dana Scully again following the show’s ten episode run this year, effectively making this new season her swan song from the franchise. She has no plans to ever return.

Anderson has accumulated a very large body of work outside of her iconic role on the sci-fi show. Notable recent roles such as Detective Superintendent Stella Gibson on BBC’s The Fall or as Media on American Gods come to mind. While it doesn't appear on the surface that there is any bad blood between Anderson and the folks in charge, it’s completely understandable that she would want to not just be known as Dana Scully for the rest of her career.

That being said, regardless of Anderson’s departure, the fate of the show following this season hasn’t been decided yet, and it’s entirely possible that there could be another season “out there.” Just without Scully.

That should absolutely not happen.

We've seen this happen before: David Duchovny’s full departure from the show following Season 8 may not have hurt the show’s quality (some people might debate me on that), but one thing is for sure: it ultimately led to the fan base leaving in droves, and it was one of the main factors among the many that the show was canceled in 2002. The X Files, for as many enjoyable or boring characters that they introduce, is ultimately centered around Mulder and Scully. If you take one of them off the table completely like Mulder was for most of Season 9, the whole thing falls apart. It's not necessarily a bad show, but it's not The X-Files that most people want to see. Doggett and Reyes are fine characters, but they were not and could never be Mulder and Scully. And in regards to Mulder and Scully... you can't have one without the other. They are simply irreplaceable at this point.

But as a fan, I think a X-Files without Scully would leave a bigger void in the show than Mulder's departure did all those years ago. Aside from the fact that writing a death scene for Scully would be extremely difficult (she’s literally immortal in case you missed that arc during the first six seasons), the fact is that Scully is the heart and soul of this show, even more so than Mulder. Sure, David Duchovny is also irreplaceable, but Gillian Anderson is the only member of the cast who has been there since day one (she’s only missed 4 episodes TOTAL in 10 seasons, and the last episode she missed was in 1998), and she’s went from being a virtual unknown to becoming one of the most well-known actresses ever. Not to mention she’s got a kick-ass personality on top of it all, and is more than willing to call on the bullshit that others will not. Her lengthy, unrivaled tenure with the show coming to an end would leave a bigger hole in the series (should it continue) than Duchovny's did, and there's no adequate replacement. Nor will there ever be. You can't replace Scully. You can't replace Gillian Anderson.

This is her show. She may not necessarily believe that, but I do and many others do too. It may not have necessarily started out that way, but this is where we are now. She’s earned that distinction through her loyalty to it through every difficult day on set and from her amazing acting abilities. I'll be forever grateful that she came back to portray Scully these last two seasons when she easily could have said no. But she's made the call to bow out, and I am OK with that.

And out of respect for her contributions to the franchise and her choice to depart it, the show should not continue on without her, possible stupid cliffhanger ending or not. There is no show without her, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way.